Promotional Testing
We at T2 Police Management Consulting strongly believe that the promotional process, especially for those seeking first and second line supervisory positions, is absolutely critical to the operations and growth of a law enforcement agency. Yet, even with the critical importance of these promotional processes, many agencies still utilize “out-of-the-box” tests and processes to promote officers into management positions that can literally make or break the organization. If you take the time to do a little research, you will find that even those companies which claim to offer “customized” promotional exams typically only offer to swap out some of their stock test questions with questions that they select from materials that you, the agency paying them, submit.
T2 Police Management Consulting focuses on your agency and the specific things that your agency feels are a priority. We create a custom examination process based upon not only the “industry standard” expectations for the position, but also upon the expectations of your agency related to the skills, knowledge, experience, and personal traits you want your supervisors to possess. This could result in a multi-component written examination that may include anything from multiple choice and true/false questions to short and long answer essay questions.
We will work with you to determine the parts of a written test that will best work to identify the top candidates for the position, and will then create a unique exam that is designed specifically for your individual agency. Have you recently read a great new book on supervision or leadership and thought, “I wish I could have all of my officers read this book”? Let us know what it is, and we’ll read it and create questions from the portions of the book that you felt were important. Is there a nagging organizational problem that should be getting handled by the rank for which you are testing? Let us know what it is, and we will tailor an essay question that will not only allow you to see how your candidates would handle the issue, but will also provide you an example of their writing skills and ability to express themselves in a clear and concise manner.
Additionally, we provide an option for an oral examination portion of the promotional process, incorporating the same principles of customization that we utilize when creating our written examination tests. From standard professional oral board panels to scenario-based questions that either stand alone or are combined to work in conjunction with written exam components, we have you covered. We can also do an organizational problem-solving module that tasks your promotional candidates to outline the solution to a problem facing your organization in written format, followed immediately by an oral presentation in which they have to explain the implementation of their solution.
We will also ensure that the test conforms to your agency’s civil service and/or collective bargaining related to promotional processes, from test creation to test scoring, and will deliver a product to you that is likely to withstand challenges and/or disputes to test validity and scoring.