First line supervisors are the heart, soul, and backbone of any law enforcement agency. Our promotional process, custom-designed for your agency, will help you select the perfect person for the position.
The management of law enforcement agencies is literally what our staff does. We can assess the current operations of your agency and make recommendations for improvements and how to implement them.
Properly investigating officer use of force incidents is critical to every law enforcement agency. We can provide an impartial and unbiased investigation into any use of force and recommend appropriate actions.
Choosing the right chief executive to lead your organization is critical to maintaining and improving your agency. We'll guide you through the process of selecting the right leader to run your organization.
Is your agency prepared for the future? Are you in a community that's gaining population and adding businesses? The best way to handle change is to plan for it in advance. We can help you create that plan.
Complaints against officers, from both citizens and other officers, need to be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. We can impartially investigate any type of complaint and recommend appropriate dispositions.
Quality training is essential to the successful operation of any law enforcement organization. We provide specialized training programs on a variety of topics, aimed to improve your agency and your community.
Do you know how many officers should be on your department? How many supervisors? Do you know how those officers should be assigned for maximum efficiency? We can help you make those decisions.
Are you or your elected officials considering the formation of a citizen's advisory board? We can help with the board's formation to ensure that it equally benefits both the community and the agency.